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Fast Cache

Integration with PHP Fast Cache for core caching in Manifesto

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Current version: 3.4.1


HTML Field builder for creating the building blocks for forms inputs and custom content fields.

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Current version: 3.4.1

Home page

Manage content that appears only on the home page

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Current version: 3.4.1


Maintain categorized lists of links

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Current version: 3.4.1

Media Collections

Create curated collections of images from your Media Library

Full description

Current version: 3.4.1


Fully-customizable menus for Manifesto

Full description

Current version: 3.4.1

Page Hits

Simple page hit analytics and referrers

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Current version: 3.4.1


Preview content in context before publishing.

Full description

Current version: 3.4.1


Maintain a collection of quotes, reviews, and testimonials with full attribution.

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Current version: 3.4.1


Built-in MySQL database search of Manifesto sites

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Current version: 3.4.1

Social Media

Add links to your social media accounts to your website.

Full description

Current version: 3.4.1

Template Pages

Fully-customizable, flexible templates for HTML pages

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Current version: 3.4.1

Google Analytics

Add Google Analytics tracking code, AdWords remarketing code, or site verification code for Google.

Full description

Current version: 3.4

Shopping Cart

Basic shopping cart functionality for use with any of the commerce-enabled modules.

Full description

Current version: 3.2

Action Logging

Additional logging of site activity, triggered by events like user logins or file uploads.

Full description

Current version: 3.0

Basic Events

Generate a date-aware listing of upcoming events. Compatible with FormBuilder for attaching registration forms.

Full description

Current version: 3.0


Provides the ability to create multiple blogs, each with their own owner.

Full description

Current version: 3.0

Client Profiles

Create a client-based portfolio or case study section on your site.

Full description

Current version: 3.0

Content Shortcodes

Add embedded content from 3rd-party services using familiar shortcodes.

Full description

Current version: 3.0

Custom Fields

Add a variety of custom field types to any other content on your site.

Full description

Current version: 3.0